Solar energy is indefinitely renewable, low maintenance, has no impact by mechanical failure, low noise and has no carbon footprint.
PV modules are used to extract energy from solar radiation and to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy and finally electrical energy is connected to desalination plant.
2 kW to 5 kW modules for main supply for for assisting grid/generator.
TFE Anaerobic Biogas Reactor for POME is a proven technology for producing biogas from waste biomass and COD. The plant is designed with ease of operation in mind.
Find out more about TFE Energy R&D on Palm Oil Industry here.
The use of the latest technology and the most updated production systems have resulted in fully automatic silent and efficient generators.
TFE Generators use only the leading industrial engines, alternators, control and managment systems from world's leading manufacturers.
All capacities available. Can be used both as main supply and for assisting grid.
Completely scalable for any capacity plant. Lowest lifecycle maintenance energy recovery device.
It’s remarkable low rpm performance makes it stand out, as it can generate electricity in low velocity streams as well as in turbulent water bodies.
The mircro hydro turbine system can be used for main supply and for assisting grid/generator depending on the water velocity and other conditions.